Thuan Hung Long An explores business potentials in Cambodia 2024

On May 9 to 11th, Thuan Hung Long An was honored to be one of the 20 member-delegation of AHK-GBA to participate in the business field trip to Cambodia. The trip has provided not only resourceful insights into business potentials in Cambodia but also close interactions with high-ranking Cambodia’s officials and connections among business leaders.

Illustrative image 1: Meeting with Minister of Commerce – H.E. Mrs. Cham Nimul

Illustrative image 2: Director General of Thuan Hung Long An, Ms. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Hanh, introduces THLA to the Minister, other high-ranking officials and the delegations

Illustrative image 3: Meeting with The Council for the Development of Cambodia

Illustrative image 4: Visit to The Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (#PPSEZ) – Textile, Apparel, Footwear & Travel Goods Association (TAFTAC) 

Illustrative image 5: Visit to The Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (#PPSEZ) – Adidas supplier Factory (PPSEC Ltd)

Through this invaluable trip, Thuan Hung Long An has obtained a broad overview of economic growth potentials, learned from business potentials in Cambodia, and developed connections with other business leaders, opening chances of collaboration in the future.